Problem-Solving Ability

            Have you ever thought about why IITs are so reputed...? what makes them the best institutes in India...? Why IITs can produce nearly 100% of the Quality Engineers from their total strength...? whats soo Different...? The thing is... we need to know that An institute gets reputed due to their students and faculty to whos under those students studied. So what so different in Students at IITs....?
            I wanted to write a few things about the Problem-solving Ability of an engineer. Now the question arises What is Problem-solving...? Problem-solving is a skill by which someone can analyze a problem which could be any technical or non-technical situation with different perspectives by breaking small aspects of the problem and thinking individually about them to have a clear and efficient solution. This may Sound  Easy but apparently, it's NO. It's not that simple.
            When I am talking about any problem... that does include the textual problems regarding mathematics, physics, but not specifically... I mean an engineer faces much bigger and practical problems. solving those requires some good thinking and Skill which we specifically call Problem-solving skills. the engineers get problems in various ways. for eg. building software that is well optimized. writing highly efficient algorithms.  Building structures that are more beautiful and strong at the same time. Designing machines and Systems. these are just basic overview of problem actual problems are just too complex are require a good amount of juice in the head.
What does problem-solving include...?
           Now let's Talk about Problem-solving skills for an engineer,
engineers are going to need the support of their knowledge along with PS skills. You should know that the knowledge will.. or it has to vary for evolution but once you acquire ps skills you don't need to change or update it because it is not a piece of information it is  Skill which is acquired from practices. and this is what makes problem-solving skills as the most fundamental thing each engineer should have even before Knowledge. Knowledge and PS skills combined, make a great engineer.
            Now to my initial question regarding IITs.. what makes those students different than other students. If you observe Carefully these students have worked for more than hours than you sleep in a day. I would love to point out that they didn't learn things... they solved problems. they solved so many problems that they have acquired those PS skills before even going to Engineering. So Technically IITs just have to provide Good quality of knowledge to students since they are ready to clash material filled with High problem-solving skills.... like I said... knowledge may change.. but PS skills will always be constant.
            Since this mixture of knowledge and skills is soo powerful, plus efficient and dynamic pairing of problem-solving skills with knowledge suddenly started making sense in having an Aptitude test before placements. Even companies demand PS Skills knowing the dynamic nature of knowledge
            Now one question may come in your mind how to develop problem-solving skills?
The first thing which everyone should fix in mind that this is not going to happen rapidly. This will require time depending on your efforts. What I personally do and what I would recommend is to watch all the possible things as problems. try solving them by yourself. Try not to find a solution on the internet. Try to think strongly and to think heavily, Solve puzzles and quizzes. Read various related books. In case if you like, here is a great app that combines knowledge and problem-solving.

I hope you learned at least a few things through this.
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If there are any suggestions or anything feel free to drop them in the comment section below.
Thanks for reading...!
Digvijay Mahamuni

Namaste! I am Digvijay. I am an F1 Nerd and an AI Geek!!!


  1. Absolutely ..... Merit and cutoffs is proportional to highest salaries offered. IITians have the best problem skills in the world compared to their age.

  2. Outstanding blog.. really inspring and exiting
    Keep it up bro...
    Keep writing....

  3. And I also like to add one point that difference between iit students and other institute students is their imagination level

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. It doesn't matter how much time it will take to solve a problem. What matters is the effort that you have gone through. At the end, it's not a wastage of time, its investment of time.
    Ultimately, its all "PROBLEM SOLVING".

    BTW, Keep Bloggin'...

  6. Yup... Brilliant is a great app for building your PS skills and increase IQ

  7. Bro but actually only problem solving ability dies not pay off but problem finding and creating ability also matters. How shall we solve problems if they do not exist anymore? Big enterpreuners are successful because they had some start-up ideas and then they started working on it. So before going to solve a problem we must figure out what is the problem and is it worth solving.

  8. One must follow the Bloom Taxonomy while solving and learning problems :
    Knowledge => Understanding => Application => Evaluation => Analysis => Creation

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