Who is an engineer...?

          What if someone asks you "Tell few globally famous Personalities" And you suddenly give few answers to that... Then you realize that names you took few moments ago... most of them were engineers. So who are engineers....?  famous guys....?  Rich guys....? well... apparently NOT. Lets find out who engineers really are.
           When you use remote of your tv or tv itself, Ride your bike,Use tube lights and bulbs, Use computers and softwares. ever came up with the thought that who built/created/invented these things...? those people are nothing but engineers. Okay if the answer is so easy......... then whats the point in writing this post. i mean its quite obvious... well things aren't that simple as they look. lets dive deep into them.
           Everyone feels that Engineers are the people who are problem solvers which is absolutely correct. i am going to be writing a short dedicated post on problem solving ability of engineers but for instance it is as further. when we were in highschool we all have done science projects and thanks to that we know that there grows too many difficulties while applying the theoretical things that we studied in class in actual practice. hence it requires extra practices and knowledge to apply things in real life. and this is one of the traits of an engineer. Engineers are pretty good at turning things real. but what is required for that...? thinking.... lots of thinking.... Engineers are Good and Sharp Thinkers. they can think Dynamically with various perspective. It is highly essential for them to think with different perspective in order solve complex problems.
            Now lets talk about the approach of engineer. For an ideal engineer its really hard to stop thinking Introvertly. introvertly...? what do i mean by that..? An Ideal engineer thinks about creating new things.... inventing things. we cant say one an engineer if he doesn't have this introvert approach. what i think is.. an engineer cant become an engineer util and unless he becomes an inventor or at least he/she has that innovative approach.
            engineer is someone always excited for doing/solving/practicing/ anything thrown at him. what do you mean that....? let me explain... " i have seen many people saying... i am programmer why should i be learning any mechanical engineering things...? i mean its usless. ".  if an engineer has all the traits i talked before in his own field like computer science or mechanical fields. but he/she refuses the knowledge of other branches.. so will being best in his own field  make him a good engineer....? sure it will take you closer to greatness... but what i think is... A great is engineer is an engineer who is master in his field  and also he has quite a good knowledge of other branches of engineering. for great mechanical engineer he wont be hesitating learning computer programming or electronic circuits. and also for a computer science engineer he also wont be hesitating to learn thermodynamics.
           okay okay.... so we got a brief idea who an engineer really is... thinking, knowledge, engineering approach which is a whole different thing; combinely makes a Great engineer.
but what matters the most...?
we all are familiar with Google's CEO sundar pichai and we also know he did b-tech in metallurgy in IIT kharagpur and now he is A CEO of worlds biggest IT company.... HOW....?
            The thing is whatever knowledge you gain through this 4 engineering years is not going to be enough for you all the life... Knowledge is not going to make you a great engineer directly. in this developing world; The amount of information is getting updated each day.. so knowledge gaining process is continuous tell the end of your life... It may happen that knowledge gained from those four years will become useless after 10 years... Knowledge is dynamic then whats the use of engineering...? What's the constant thing that we will take from those four years...? what is important for us to understand that is ENGINEERING IS NOT A PROCESS OF ACQUIRING KNOWLEDGE IT IS PROCESS OF DESIGNING MIND TO DIGEST DYNAMIC KNOWLEDGE AND TO APPLY  IT AND TO BECOME A BETTER THINKER AND A PROBLEM SOLVER. Engineering will teach you to build engineering approach which matters the most for an engineer.

hope you liked what i wrote.. 
feel free to share your thoughts in comments below.

Digvijay Mahamuni

Namaste! I am Digvijay. I am an F1 Nerd and an AI Geek!!!


  1. Becoming an engineer, is not what it looks like . ..
    You live four years of your life in this thought process that makes you think learning is everything! Well it's not.
    Actually it is but its not the only thing.
    Devoloping your mind is!
    As you said.
    Now I should say it is a well framed on point blog post. Nicely written and executed.
    I expect more posts like this in future!
    Keep Growing!

    1. If its not a thing then whats the difference between CS engineer and BCS student 😅.

  2. Excellent Thaughts......Every engineer should read this.

  3. Completely agree with your thoughts. You should write more. Keep it up 👍👍

    1. Yes.. i do have few good plans and ideas to share 😇

  4. Choosing a Challenge and Since It Becomes an Engineer to Help Good People Ease in a Useful Life So what does it need to be famous? The solution should be just what we do ...

  5. Excellent bro ... keep it up with your more good thoughts..ideas.....

  6. Being an engineer I know what does it mean. And u explained it in simple words... Which is awesome

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